This is the content you were looking for…
Redesigning the content architecture & CMS templates to uncover the rich and diverse content for all World Nomad travellers.
Brand: World Nomads
Role: Creative Direction / UX / CSS
The Challenge
Across the World Nomads website there were 1000’s of articles about 100’s of destinations. Over time this had lead to poor optimisation for search engines, inconsistent page layouts & content formatting.
It was also evident that the lack of clear semantic navigation structure was hiding much of the content for the users, combined with pages that were slow to load which created a stilted and muddled experience. So … we changed it!

UX Tools
Metrics & Analytics
Stakeholder & End User interviews
Competitive Reviews
Requirements Workshop
Content Inventory
User Research
On a project of this size and complexity the first step was to gather data and define the problem. Working with each of the stakeholders we investigated into: performing a content inventory, gathering analytics on traffic, retention rates & shares, looking at comparative sites & architecture, running fullstory app to view how users were interacting with the content. Once completed we reported back to the team in a 3 day workshop.
Day 1: Defining the goal
- Review the gathered data from each of the team members/experts & share the results
- Develop a clear definition of the problems and our measurements of success
- Agree on the outcomes for the workshop.
Day 2: Focusing on solutions
- Define core user paths and scenarios
- Break into small teams, develop proto-personas and use story telling to develop user focused experiences
- Vote & remix the best ideas to see how we might improve them.
Day 3: Developing the story board
- With a stack of scenarios, we critique each solution and decide which ones will have the best chance of achieving our goals
- Using the winning scenes from the sketches, we use ‘crazy eights’ to brainstorm different ideas for each part and weave them into a step-by-step plan for the prototype.
The outcomes:
- A highly motivated team with a shared understanding of the task, goals and agreed measurements of success
- An agreed and actionable plan for the prototype and next steps

UX Tools
Graphical Design Comps
IA & Site Map
Process & Task Diagrams
Functional & Visual Design
After a successful workshop, we had a huge swath of ideas and material to work with, as well as a clear direction. Our next step was to take the sketches and ideas from the workshop, and begin to build prototypes using Axure. These were then reviewed and critiqued by the team.
Once a final set of wireframes were agreed upon, we then worked with the Frontend & Backend CMS experts on best practices to modularise and reuse components.

UX Tools
Proof of Concept Development
Implementation Oversight
Style Guide
The final steps were focused on developing a clear visual language and style that would be applied consistently across all content. High-fidelity designs and mockups were produced and over seen into production.

Final Designs

After the redesign of the content pages, both visits, shares and sign ups increased considerably.
Scholarship Programs increased their sign-ups by over 50% – (3500+ entries).
Campaigns were boosted with over 24k of shares and an increase in sign ups.
Received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the travel community.
1.2 Million AUD raised via our micro-donation program funding community development projects around the world.
World Nomads became the fastest growing and most profitable part of the WNG business, growing over 30% year on year.
In 2016, private health insurer, nib, bought World Nomads Group, Australia’s third-largest distributor of travel insurance, for $95 million.