Hsa*Ba : Please Eat

Burmese cookbook and website to introduce this little known cuisine to the world.


Brand: Hsa*ba
Role: Design / Photography / UX / Code
“Seldom does a book arriving with so little fanfare make such a splash in the kitchen….This book deserves to get widespread international recognition.”

Susan Low, Time Out London

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Book creation & design

The vision for hsa*ba was to produce the first full-colour beautifully designed Burmese cookbook that did not end up as a coffee table show piece, but rather a book that belonged in the kitchen and used regularly.

The design and layout were based on qualitative research on how home cooks used their beloved cookbooks and feedback from online users.

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Web & Mobile Design

hsaba-MacBookPro mobile - home mobile - product mobile - blog mobile - story Hsaba Home Hsaba Blog Hsaba Product



Awards & Praise

6 Months after the initial launch, the book won 3 Gourmand World Cookbook awards. It was featured on a number of leading food content sights including Timeout, Hello Magazine and more. Cho was also invited to write for Lonely Planet Myanmar edition and a whole raft of other food & blog related sites.



The feedback from the customers was overwhelmingly positive with continued 5 Star reviews and the book sold out of the first print run of 2500 copies, an impressive feat for a first self-published book. In 2013, an updated edition was published which is still going strong.


New audience

In 2016, a Myanmar-based publisher bought the rights to translate the book into Burmese and the book was published in Myanmar in August 2016.